Jamaa'ah at-Tableegh:
Teachings of Shirk in the book
-"Fadhaa.il A'maal" - Part
Tableeghi Jamaat: Teachings of
in the Book -"Fadhaa.il
A'maal" (popularly referred to
as - " Fazail Amal")
Part 3: Readings in
"Fadhaa.il Hajj" (virtues of
Editors Introduction
All praise is due to Allaah. We
praise Him, seek His help and forgiveness.
And we seek refuge in Allaah the Most High
from the evils of our own selves and from
our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allaah guides
none can misguide him and whomsoever Allaah
misguides there is none to guide such an
individual. I bear witness that there is no
true god worthy of being worshipped except
Allaah alone, without partner or associate.
I further bear witness that Muhammad (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) is His slave and Messenger. May
Allaah the Exalted bestow his peace and
blessings on the final messenger Muhammad,
upon his family, his noble companions and
all those who follow them.
To Proceed:
That the most truthful speech is
the Qur'aan, the word of Allaah and the
best of guidance is that of Muhammad (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam). And the worst of affairs in
this religion of ours are the innovations
and every innovation is a bid`ah
and every bid`ah
is misguidance and every misguidance is in
the hell fire.
Alhamdulillah, this is the third
paper in the series of exposing the
teachings of Shirk
and bid`ah
in the book Fadha'il 'A'maal
(also known as Tableeghi Nisaab). I would
like to remind my brothers and sisters that
the intent of these papers is not to curse
anyone.The author of FadhaÃl
A'maal is dead and his affair is with
Allaah the Mighty and Majestic. The real
intent of this research is to warn all
Muslims of the deviations in 'Aqeedah,
Ibaadah, Manhaj that have crept into the Ummah
of Muhammad (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) through fabricated narrations
and false stories of auliya which
unfortunately forms nearly 80% of
Fadha'il 'A'maal. It is to warn
and call the Muslims at the same time to
leave bigoted partisanship, to correct
their 'Aqeedah and
to hold on to the clear path that the
Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) left us upon. Anything else is
total destruction in this world and in the
Verily Allaah the Most High has
said in the Qur.aan (meaning of
whoever contradicts and opposes the
Messenger (Muhammad) after the right path
has been shown clearly to him, and follows
other than the believers' way. We shall
keep him in the path he has chosen, and
burn him in Hell - what an evil
destination}, [Soorah
An-Nisa., Aayah
In this paper we will concentrate
of Fadha'il Hajj (virtues of Hajj).
This is the final chapter in Volume II of
Fadha'il 'A'maal. It also
contains the most awful and horrendous
teachings of major shirk.
Any reader will be shocked to read the
narrations that the author, Muhammad
Zakaria Kandalvi has brought out which are
nothing but plain Hinduism, Qadianism and
paganism and we seek refuge in Allaah the
Most High. The great Shaikh al Hadith, the
so called knower of Allaah and pivot of the
world goes at length on explaining the
virtues of sticking to the Sunnah
but he himself failed to practice to what
he preached!
And unfortunately Kandalvi has
combined all the major deviations that have
struck this Ummah
in his book. From distorting the meanings
of the attributes of Allaah to preaching
major shirk
and innovations in its worst forms,
Fadha'il 'A'maal without doubt
is the most false, fabricated and "shirk
story book" of our times.
Why did not Zakaria Kandalvi stop
where our Pious
Predecessors stopped? Why were the
narrations not sufficient for him when they
were sufficient for the first generation?
Why did not the "Shaikh al-Hadith of
Deobandh" refer to the authemtic
narrations in Bukhaaree,
Muslim and other
collections of ahadith? Why in the name of
love and Ibaadah the tenets of Sufism and
Hinduism are being propagated? Why is the
'Aqeedah of
the Rafidee Sh'ia being smuggled under
the guise of Sunnah? And why is
taught and Tawheed suppressed? We seek an
answer from our brothers who are involved
in Jamaa'at ut-Tableegh. "Shaikh
al-Hadith" Kandalvi Sahib himself
says, "…it is important to note
that whenever I quoted a 'hadit'
without mentioning the name of the book, it
should be deemed to have been taken from
one of the five books, viz.,
'Al-Mishkat', …'Sharah
Ihya al-Ulum'
Ihya ulum ad-Deen? He could not
find a better collection? Why are not Saheeh
al-Bukhaaree, Saheeh Muslim or any
other sound collection of narrations were
chose by the Muhaddith?
It will be beneficial to know what
the scholars have said about this book over
the years:
He said in writing to 'Abdullaah
Ibnul-Mudhaffar about al-Ghazzaalee:
"When he
wrote his book, he called it Ihyaa
'Uloomud-Deen, and talked about the
sciences of the states of things and ways
of the Soofees in it, but he was neither
well acquainted with them nor well-informed
about them, so he fell headlong, and thus
did not fall either among the scholars of
the Muslims or within the conditions of the
Soofee ascetics.
He filled
his book with lies upon the Messenger of
Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam), and I do not know of any book
upon the surface of the earth which
attributes more lies to the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) than this one! He molded it
with the opinions of the philosophers and
concepts held in the Rasaa'il
Ikhwaanis-Suffaa. They (the
Ikhwaanus-Suffaa) are a people who regard
Prophethood as a level that can be
acquired, and the Prophet is in their view
no more than a noble person with excellent
character who avoided what is ignoble and
took hold of his own soul until he had it
under control so that no desire overcame
it, nor bad manners overtook it, then he
took control of nature with those
Al-Haafidh adh-Dhahabee says in Siyar
A'laamun-Nubalaa (19/340) ...and Imaam
Muhammad Ibn 'Alee al-Maazaree
as-Saqilee speaks about al-Ihyaa in a way
that shows his prominence as an lmaam. He
'There have
been repeated requests to know our position
regarding the book called Ihyaa 'Uloom
ud-Deen and I said that the opinions of
people differ about it. A group seeks to
publicise it and stick blindly to that, a
group warns the people against it and
causes them to flee from it, and a group
who burn it.
The people of the East have also
written to me, asking about it, and I have
not previously read except parts of it. So
if Allaah extends my life, I shall spend
time upon it and remove the confusion the
peoples hearts. Know that I have seen the
students of it, and all of them relate to
me a part of its condition which take the
place of seeing with ones own eyes, so I
will briefly mention his condition and that
of his book, and some of the positions of
the people of Tawheed and of the Soofees,
and the people of allusions and philosophy,
since his book wavers between all of
He said:
"And Shaykh
Aboo Haamid (al-Ghazzaalee) possesses
-repugnant information and in producing
shocking works he went beyond bounds in the
way of Soofism, and devoted himself to
supporting them, and became a caller to
that, and wrote well-known books on that
(He refers to al-Ihyaa as is shown by what
comes after).
He was reproached for parts of that
and the minds of the Ummah
came to have a low opinion of him. Allaah
knows that which is hidden about him, and
here in the West the order of the Sultaan
(ruler) and the ruling of the scholars is
that it should be burnt and kept away from,
so that was done..."
He says in al-Muntazim (9/169-170):
"He began to
write the book al-Ihyaa in al-Quds and
finished it in Damascus, however, he wrote
it upon the way of the Soofis and did away
with the rules of Fiqh in it. For example,
regarding effacing of honour and fighting
the self, he mentions that a man wished to
efface his own honour, so he entered a
public bath and put on someone else's
clothes, then he put his own clothes on top
of them and went out walking slowly so that
the people could catch him. So they took
them back from him and called him 'The
Thief of the Public
Mentioning such things as this for
followers to learn from is disgusting
because it is judged so according to Fiqh.
When there is a guardian for public baths
and a person steals, his hand is cut off,
and it is not permissible for a Muslim to
offer an action for which they would be
sinful if they did it!
He mentions that a man bought some
meat and found that his soul felt shy to
carry it to his house, so he tied it round
his neck and walked to his house. This is
also totally repugnant and there are many
similar things for which this is not the
I have gathered together the
mistakes of the book and called it "A
Notification to the Living Regarding the
Errors of al-Ihyaa", and I have
pointed some of them out in my book
(Also) what he mentions in the
book of marriage that 'Aa'ishah
said to the Messenger (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam), "You are the one who
claims that you are the Messenger of
That is impossible! Verily the
reason for his turning away from the
requirements of Fiqh in that which he
quotes is that he accompanied the Soofis
and regarded their condition to be the
goal, and he said, "Indeed I have
taken the way from Aboo 'Alee
al-Farmadhee and I followed what he
directed me to as regards daily worships
and continual dhikr (remembering Allaah)
until I passed those difficulties and
became burdened with heavy tasks, and I did
not attain that which I
And further, there are many, many
other scholars of Ahlus Sunnah who have
strongly criticized this books and its
likes. But Kandalvi takes from it
extensively. Is this not a
And we call all the Muslims to
Islaam. Not the Islaam of a group or any
Jamah' or to any personality. But we
call you to Islaam where the Messenger of
Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) left us. Where the night is
like its day. He left us on the straight
path but shiataan took us to paths on the
left and the right. The shayateen amongst
the men and jinn took the Muslims to those
crooked path at the head is a bigger devil
calling to the fire.
From 'Abdullaah Ibn
Mas'ood (radiyallaahu 'anhu) who
"The Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) drew a line for us, then he
said: "This is the Path of
Allaah." Then he drew lines from
it's right and it's left, then he
are scattered lines, upon each of them is a
devil calling to it)). Then he
verily this is My Straight Path, so follow
it and do not follow the other paths
because they will separate you from His
Path}, [Soorah
al-An'aam, Aayah
153]" [Related by Nisaa`ee (no. 184)
and Ahmad (1/435) and this wording is by
him. It is also related by ad-Daarimee
(1/67-68) and at-Tabaree in Jaami'ul
Bayaan (8/65), it was authenticated by
Shaykh Saleem al-Hilaalee in Basaa`ir
Dhush-Sharaf (p. 82).]
This is the worst disease that
today every Muslim has attached himself to
a party or a personality making Taqleed and
trading his intellect for no gain. The
agenda of the party is placed even above
the Sunnah
of Muhammad (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) and the word of the leader is
final. Anyone opposing it is expelled and
ostracized. How can we establish the
Sharee'ah of Allaah when we don't
even know it. All the groups hate
knowledge. They don't call to it and
neither do they instruct their followers to
seek it. Every group today claims to be
working to establish the law of Allaah on
earth but each group claims the other to be
Jaahil and misguided. How can, in the midst
of such multiple parties, groups and sects
achieve unity of the Muslims. What is the
solution to bringing us into one
Allaah the All Wise has said in
the Qur.aan (meaning of which):
{And hold
fast altogether to the rope of Allaah and
do not be divided.And remember the favour
of Allaah upon you, in that you were once
enemies to one another, but He joined your
hearts together, so that by His Grace you
became brothers}, [Soorah
Aali-'Imraan, Aayah
this Ummah
of yours is a
single Ummah
and I am your Lord,
so worship Me alone}, [Soorah
al -Anbiyaa., Aayah
{And He
has united their (i.e. believers')
hearts. If you had spent all that is in the
earth, you could not have united their
hearts, but Allâh has united them.
Certainly He is All-Mighty,
All-Wise}, [Soorah
Anfal, Aayah
And how is this joining of he
hearts to be achieved? What are the means
of achieveing this miracle that is possible
only with Allaah the Most High? By the
example of Muhammad (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam). And what is said about
Muhammad (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
{He it is
Who sent among the unlettered ones a
Messenger (Muhammad) from among themselves,
reciting to them His Verses, purifying them
(from the filth of disbelief and
polytheism), and teaching them the Book
(this Qur'ân, Islâmic laws
and Islâmic jurisprudence) and
Al-Hikmah (Sunnah: legal
ways, orders, acts of worship, etc. of
Prophet Muhammad). And verily, they had
been before in mainfest error},
Jumu'ah, Aayah
We can only bring the Muslims
together through Tasfiya wa Tarbiya
(purification and cultivation) If the
Sharee'ah of Allaah can join a hundred
hardened tribes 1400 hundred years ago and
make them into one brotherhood, why
can't the same happen today with
hundreds of parties? But this education
involves exposing the innovators; their
figureheads and their books. It is to warn
all Muslims of their deviations so that
they save themselves and their families
from the evil and return to the
Jamaa'ah. The Jamaa'ah that the
Sahaba were upon and which today is best
embodied by those who are on the Manhaj of
the Pious Predecessors and all praise be to
Allaah the one worthy of praise.
Following the principles of
Tasfiya wa Tarbiya, this is a continuing
effort inshAllaah to expose the books of
Jamaa'at ut-Tableegh headed by
Fadha'il 'A'maal. And I hope
that it becomes a source of guidance for
any Muslim who reads it. And in the
footsteps on the noble Imaam, teacher,
defender of the Sunnah, al
Barbaharee (d.329H) I use his noble
statement that the purpose of writing of
these papers is "…perhaps Allaah
will bring a confused person out of his
confusion, or an innovator out of his
innovation, or a misguided one out of his
misguidance and he may be saved through
Reading through Fadha'il Hajj,
it is difficult to deicde where to start
from? From the Taweel of the Sifat of
Allaah? Or open teachings of grave worship?
The "above the Prophet" status of
the auliya? Lies on the Sahaba? Or
worshipping the auliya themselves? But as
we read we will have some uniformity
inshAllaah in the refutations and not an
unorganized mess.
Before we actually dive into
Fahdail Amaal let us take heed from the
following pure narrations:
Abu Hurayrah (radhi-yallaahu
'anhu) narrates that the Messenger
of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) said:
((It is
sufficient to render a man a liar that he
narrates everything he hears)),
(Reported by Muslim)
And he also narrated from
Allaah's Messenger (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
will come at the end of time, Dajjaals,
Liars, who will come to you with ahaadeeth
that neither yourselves nor your
forefathers will have heard of. So beware
and beware of them, lest they cause you to
go astray and be put to trial)),
[Saheeh Muslim and Musnad
Ahmad, it is Saheeh]
The Open Sanctioning of Grave
Worship in Fahda'il
Zakaria Kandalvi has presented a
cocktail of 'Aqeedah in
Fadha'il Hajj. He borrowed from the
Ashaira shifting to Raafidah then morphing
to Soofiya with traces of Qadiyyaniyah and
finally ending with Hinduism! And
protecting is sought with Allaah from all
these faces of Kufr.
Kandalvi starts with making Taweel of the
attribute of the descending of Allaah in
the manner of the Ash'arees.
He writes on page 15, Fadha'il
Hajj, Volume II:
"The issue of Allaah being
near or descending or any such type of
narrations that are mentioned its knowledge
is only with Allaah; He is always near but
the apparent meaning that the majority of
the scholars have taken is that it is the
special mercy of Allaah"
Allaahu Mus'ta'aan! Which
scholar from Ahlus Sunnah and upon the
Manhaj of the Pious Predecessors said this?
This is only with the conformity with the
wretched 'Asha'irah that they make
figurative interpolations of what they
refuse to understand of the Sifat of Allaah
the Most High and Blessed. They do not
stick to the basic principles regarding the
attributes of Allaah and argue about what
is forbidden. And why has not the
statements of the Pious Predecessors quoted
on the issue of the descent of Allaah the
Mighty and Majestic? Are they lost in
history or did Kandalvi chose not to quote
them, bringing out the 'Aqeedah of
the wretched Ash'arees?
Those who make ta'weel and
attribute meanings to the words of Allaah,
that they themselves have devised, then
they are lying upon Allaah, as they do not
know whether Allaah intended that meaning
they devised or not! And the way of the
Pious Predecessors was to accept the
attributes, with their meanings, but negate
their likeness to those of the
Imaam Abul-Abbaas ibn Suraij known
as 'ash-Shaafi'ee the second'
and he was a contemporary of
Al-Ash'aree, said: "We do not
speak with Ta'weel (interpretation) of
the Mu'tazilah, the Ash'arees, the
Jahmiyyah, the apostates, the
anthropomorphists (Mujassimah and
Mushabbihah), the Karraamiyyah and those
who declare Allaah to be like His creation
(Mukayyifah - those asking about the
modality of His attributes). Rather we
accept them [the texts about Allaah's
attributes] without interpretation
(Ta'weel) and we believe in them
without declaring any likeness with the
creation (Tamtheel)." Ijtimaa
ul-Juyoosh il-Islaamiyyah (p.62)
It will be beneficial to know the
statements of our Pious Predecessors
regarding this matter their
Al-Waleed Ibn Muslim (d.194H) -
rahimahullaah - said:
"I asked
Maalik, al-Awzaa'ee, Layth Ibn Sa'd
and Sufyaan ath-Thawree - rahimahumullaah -
concerning the reports related about the
Attributes, so they all said: Leave them as
they are, without asking
how." (Related by
al-Aajurree in ash-Sharee'ah (p. 314),
al-Bayhaqee in al-Asmaa' was-Sifaat (p.
453) and also in al-I'tiqaad (p. 118)
and the chain of narrators is
Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (d.241H) -
rahimahullaah - said:
ahaadeeth should be left as they
are…We affirm them and we do not make
any similitude for them. This is what has
been agreed upon by the
Scholars." (Related by
Ibnul-Jawzee in Manaaqibul-Imaam Ahmad (p.
Imaam at-Tirmidhee (d.279H) -
rahimahullaah - said:
"It has been
stated by more than one person from amongst
the People of Knowledge about such
ahaadeeth, that there is no tashbeeh
(resemblance) to the Attributes of Allaah,
and our Lord - the Blessed, the Most High -
descends to the lowest heavens every night.
So they say: Affirm these narrations, have
faith (eemaan) in them, do not deny them,
nor ask how. The likes of this has been
narrated from Maalik Ibn Anas, Sufyaan
ath-Thawree, Ibn 'Uyaynah and
'Abdullaah Ibnul-Mubaarak, who all said
about such ahaadeeth, ''Leave them
as they are, without asking how.''
Such is the statement of the People of
Knowledge from Ahlus-Sunnah
wal-Jamaa'ah. However, the Jahmiyyah
oppose these narrations and say: This is
tashbeeh! However, Allaah - the Most High -
has mentioned in various places in His
Book, the Attributes of al-Yad (Hand),
as-Sama' (Hearing) and al-Basr (Sight)
- but the Jahmiyyah make ta'weel of
these aayaat, explaining them in a way,
other than how it is explained by the
People of Knowledge. They say: Indeed,
Allaah did not create Aadam with His own
Hand - they say that 'Hand' means
that Power of Allaah."
Sunanut-Tirmidhee (3/24)
And the narrations are
Coming back to our topic of grave
worship, Kandalvi stated 80 years ago in
very explicit words the virtues and benefit
of grave worship of grave worship. Not just
the grave of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) but the grave of any wali. But
the sanctioning required the prerequisite
of labeling great virtue and honour on the
graves of the auliya in general Prophet in
particular. So the fabrication machines of
Deobandh go into overtime and come out with
the following:
Fadha'il Hajj, Page 138:
"When you see the green dome
then it should be with awe and reverance
and you should take care of the honour of
the Huzoor and reflect that in that pure
dome is he who is the best of creation,
leader of the Prophets and virtuous the
angels. The place of the holy grave is
superior than any other place and that
place which touches the holy body of the
Huzoor is superior to the Ka'bah,
superior to the Arsh, superior to the Kursi
in fact superior than everything in the
heavens and earth."
Did Kandalvi leave anything? In
his extreme and false exaggeration of the
grave of the Prophet he did not even spare
the Arsh and Kursi of Allaah the Most High.
Indeed the Allaah and his Messenger (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) are free from what they
Now that Kandalvi established the
merit of the grave the only thing that
remained was to worship there and make
pilgrimage to the grave of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam). But the poor and ignorant mass
of the Subcontinent and elsewhere would not
waste their life savings on a lifeless
prophet. Nay, when the Ummah
of Muhammad leave the narrations stupidity
and humiliation is placed upon them. The
people want a Prophet who is alive. So
enter the Shaikh al Hadith Kandalvi and his
On page 144, Fadha'il
"Allamah Qastalaani writes in
Muwahib that you should present yourself to
the Prophet proper conduct such that was
due to him in his lifetime because the
Prophet is alive in His grave"
What kind of heresy is this? The
Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) alive in his grave? Are we to
believe Kandalvi and conclude that the
Sahaba of the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) buried him alive? Was the
historic speech of Abu Bakr (radhi-yallaahu
'anhu) mere jest? When he, Abu Bakr
(may Allaah be pleased with be) said that
whoever worships Muhammad then Muhammad is
dead was a figure of speech and mockery?
And Kandalvi wants us to believe in an 'aqeedah
diametrically opposite to that of the Noble
Allaah the Mighty and Majestic
said in the Qur'aan (meaning of
{And we
granted not to any human being immortality
before you (O Muhammad), then if you die
would they live forever? Everyone is going
to taste death, and We shall make a trial
of you with evil and with good. And to Us
you will be returned}, [Soorah
al-Anbiya., Aayaat
you (O Muhammad) will die, and verily, they
(too) will die}, [Soorah
Az-Zumar., Aayah
The Prophets are alive in their
graves but this is the life of the Barzakh
that we do not know about. The hands of the
Prophets do not come out of their graves,
they cannot hear us, they cannot rescues us
from harm or any other nonsense that
Fadha'il 'A'maal records in
this regard.
But this is not the end to open
preaching of grave worship. Furthermore, a
complete manual is presented in explicit
detail on how to present yourself to the
grave of a "wali."
On page 141, Fadha'il
'A'maal, Fadha'il Hajj, Volume
"When you visit anyone's
grave, you should proceed from the
direction of the feet because if Allaah has
given the dead the power of Kashf then it
is easy for him to see you because when the
dead turns to his right in his grave then
his sight falls towards your feet. And when
anyone approaches the grave from the head
side of the dead then the dead has trouble
and difficulty in seing you."
Astaghfirullah! What kind of 'aqeedah is
this? If we are to believe in Kandalvi,
then would it be permissible to bury a wali
alive? The only example of burying alive we
know is that of the Arabs at the time of
Ignorance. And today this practice is still
found alive in Fadha'il
'A'maal. And how many brothers who
are in Jamaa'at ut-Tableegh have buried
their loved ones alive?
And for that matter, is Kandalvi
alive in his grave?
There is not a single authentic
narration found in any reliable books that
state of any wali being alive in his grave
and looking at the visitors of his tomb.
And Kandalvi, who was given very lofty
title such as "Knower of Allaah",
"Pivot of the world" and
"Shaikh al-Hadith" did not even
know the authenticity of such incidents or
was it that he did not care? Another
question of the Tableeghi
So far what Kandalvi has sought to
prove is the high merit and value of
visiting graves and that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) and the auliya are alive in
their graves and they see and listen to the
visitor. The objectives of the school of
Deobandh and Kandalvi will not be complete
up until they cheat the unsuspecting Ummah
into grave worship completely. And this
would require worshipping and supplicating
at graves. Since the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) and the noble Pious
Predecessors have always opposed this
heresy, there was no option left but to
lie. And lie they did. They lied on the
Sahaba and the Messenger and ridiculed them
to satisfy their lust for shirk
and Allaah's curse be upon the
So Kandalvi fabricates on page
176-177, Fadha'il Hajj:
"Hadhrat Ayesha said that
when my father Hadhrat Abu Bakr was ill he
willed that after his death his body should
be taken to the grave of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) and should be said that here is
Abu Bakr and he wishes to be buried next to
you. If you receive permission from there
then bury me there and if not then bury me
in Baqee'. Therefore, after the death
of Abu Bakr and according to his will his
funeral procession was taken towards the
grave of the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) and permission was sought. Then
we heard a voice from inside and there was
no speaker in sight. The voice said, Send
him in with honour and dignity.
"Hadhrat Ali said that when
the time of death approached Hadhrat Abu
Bakr he called me to his side and said,
'Wash me with the hands with which you
washed the Prophet and apply on me perfume
and take me to his room and ask for his
permission. If upon asking his permission
the doors of the room open then bury me
there and if not then bury me in the common
graveyard of the Muslims.'"
"Hadhrat Ali said that after
the preparations of the funeral I was the
first one to step forward and ask the
Prophet that Abu Bakr wants your permission
to be buried here. I then saw that the
doors of the room where the Prophet is
buried flung open and a voice said,
"Send the friend to the
Let all Muslims know that the
above is a lie and is not found in any
authentic collections of ahadeeth. Rather,
such enormous lies can only come from
Tableeghi Jamaa'at who were rightfully
called the Soofis of the era by the
Muhaddith al-Albaanee (d.1420H).
Kandalvi has not even spared the most
noblest of the Sahaba and ascribed
wholesale shirk
to them. He wants the Muslims to believe
that even the companions held the 'aqeedah that
the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) listens to us from his grave!?
And far removed are the Noble Companions
(may Allaah be pleased with all of them).
Kandalvi only wants to sanction his filthy
and perverse 'aqeedah of
grave licking and to do that he abused and
lied on the companions. A great crime
There are hundreds of other
instances of grave worship in Fadha'il
Hajj (should be called Fadha''il
Quboor wa Shirk
al-Ibaadah). But there are other points of
false 'Aqeedah that
are to be exposed. We shall, inshAllaah,
mention them in brief so that the reader
can be warned from such lies and disown
himself from the Tableeghi Jamaa'at
1). A Soofi prays at the
Prophet's grave and is forgiven all his
previous and future sins. (page 162,
Fadha'il Hajj)
2). All the Prophets, Pious
Predecessors and the auliya use the Wasila
of the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) in their supplication.
3). The 'Aqeedah of
Auliya worship
The belief of hero worship is
totally from the pagans and Shaitaan first
deceived the Ummah
of Adam (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) by coercing them into making
images of righteous people, remembering
them in their gatherings and later
worshipping them. The pagan Romans used to
worship their emperors, the Magians there
kings, Hindus still worship heroes and
heroines of their mythical folklore (and
also worshipping their private parts). So
Kandalvi, not finding the worship of Allaah
sufficient, creates Pirs in His books who
do not even have a name and to them he
gives the attributes of Allaah. But this
would again require some
"Fadha'il" or virtues to be
labeled on such auliya. They had to be so
miraculous, so awesome and so noble that
even the Prophets of Allaah are humbled
before them! They must possess the
attributes so noble and so high which
belong to Allaah alone! Their station must
also be superior to the Prophets and angels
and the companions! In short they must be
so awesome, so stupendous that they demand
unrestricted awe, love and finally worship!
And with no hesitation this is what we find
in Fahdail Amaal.
Fadha'il Hajj, page 164,
Fadha'il 'A'maal Vol I:
"One person asked Khidr
that,"Have you ever seen any wali who
is better than you?" Khidr replied,
"Yes, I have. I once visited the
mosque of the Prophet. I saw Imaam Abdur
Razzaq Muhaddith and he was teaching
ahadith. The crowd and I listened to the
ahadith from him. In one corner of the
masjid there was a youngster sitting who
had kept his head between his knees away
from the crowd. I said, Do you not see that
ahadith of the Prophet are being taught?
Why don't you also attend the circle?
He neither lifted his head nor did he look
at me and said, "In that place are
those who listen to ahadith from the slave
of Razzaq and here are those who listen to
ahadith from the Razzaq!" Hadhrat
Khidr said that, "If you are indeed
speaking the truth then tell who am I? He
raised his head and said that, "If I
am not mistaken, then you are Khidr."
Hadhrat Khidr then said, "From this I
came to know that there are such wali of
Allaah whom even I cannot
Allaahu Akbar! The pir (please
notice that he has no name, no history and
no background whatsoever. Just wild
imaginations of Tableeghi Jamaa'at) in
the above fable did not even raise his head
and answered the questions of Khidr! And he
listens to the Hadith from Allaah? The
revelations comes down upon him? If Mirza
Ghulam Qadiani makes such a claim all the
scholars of Deobandh label him a kafir but
what about the Kufr
that is in their own books? To this Pir is
attributed the knowledge of the unseen and
kalam with Allaah. He has been raised to
the status of Moosa and even more. He has
been portrayed superior to Khidr (alayhi
salaam)! Khidr? To whom Moosa (alayhi
salaam) himself was sent by Allaah the Most
High to seek knowledge?
To one who adheres to the way of
the Pious Predecessors, who follows the 'aqeedah and
understanding of the Sahabah, the above
passage is just a pathetic laughable lie
but to the ignorant Tableeghi such wali
demands utmost respect, honour and
reverance. But the poor Muslims who is
being deceived by the Tableeghi
Jamaa'at does not even realize that
such a wali never existed except in the
imagination of the Sufis of Deobandh and
brought to life in Fadha'il
But this was not enough to throw
the ignorant Muslim into worshipping the
creation. The elite of the Tableegi
Jamaa'at needed some more spice to make
the auliya all the more colourful. So the
complete and absolute and independent
knowledge of ghaib is attributed to the
Pirs of Fadha'il A'maal.
On page 241, Fadha'il Hajj,
Kandalvi writes:
"Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed
Khazaz said,"I once visited the Masjid
al-Haram and saw a Fakir. He had two old
and tattered pieces of cloth on his body
and was begging the people. I thought in my
heart that such are the ones who become a
burden on the people. He looked at me and
recited the ayat "Know that Allaah
knows what is in your hearts so
beware" Abu Sa'eed then said that
I repented upon the evil thought that had
arisen in my heart. The fakir then called
out to me and recited "He is the one
who accepts the repentance of His slaves
and forgives all sins".
What is being said here is that
this Pir knows all the thoughts that arise
in a person's heart. He has a share in
the knowledge of the unseen. In very clear
terms the 'Aqeedah of
the Shi'a, the Qadiani and the Hindu is
being propagated.
Verily Allaah the Most High has
said in the Quraan(meaning of
{And with
Him (Allaah) are the keys of the Ghayb (all
that is hidden), none knows them but
He}, [Soorah
al-An'am, Aayah
None in the heavens and the earth knows the
Ghayb (Unseen) except Allaah, nor can they
perceive when they shall be
resurrected}, [Soorah
an-Naml, Aayah
{Say (O
Muhammad): I have no power over benefit or
hurt myself except Allaah wills. If I had
the knowledge of the Ghayb (Unseen), I
should have secured myself an abundance of
wealth and no evil should have touched me.
I am but a warner, and a bringer of glad
tidings unto people who
believe}, [Soorah
al-A'raaf, Aayah
But the last lie, the one
remaining fabrication that will confirm the
lordship of the auliya of Jamaa'at
Tableegh is that they should be free from
any need whatsoever. They should be also
free and independent of Allaah Himself! May
the curse of Allaah the All Powerful be on
the liars.
So on page 290, Fadha'il
"Imaam Ghazali says that the
third level (of Tawakkul) which is the most
highest is that a person remains such with
Allaah like a dead in the hands of its
washers. He has no action of his own. He
reaches on such a level that he is no
longer required to ask anything from
If we are to believe Kandalvi for
a fraction of a second then that will
negate all the attributes of Allaah the
Most High. It will negate the attribute of
Allaah being All Knowing because the auliya
of the Tableeghis also have a share in
that. It will negate the attribute of
Allaah being the Sustainer of the Universe
because there are such individuals
according to Kandalvi who sustain
themselves and have no need of Allaah. It
will negate the attribute of Allaah being
the Ever Living because the Pirs of
Fadha'il 'Amaal do not die (as we
will read later). It will throw us into
that pit of absolute Kufr
that even the Arabs of Jaahiliyaa did not
reach.Even they believed that Allaah was
the Creator and the Sustainer. As such 'aqeedah has
murdered nations of the Muslims and
hundreds of millions of Muslims are being
deceived, it will deprive a Muslim of what
he values the most-his pure Tawheed. Such
is the price of cooperating and joining
hands with the Tableeghi
Stange! The Messenger of Allaah
(sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) was sent to take out mankind
from the worship of false gods and to
worship Allaah alone. To take out man from
worshipping the creation, to take out man
from worshipping man. But Kandalvi and all
of Jamaa'at Tableegh takes a person
from worshipping Allaah and makes him
worship the dead Pirs! May Allaah the All
Powerful hasten the destruction of the
Tableeghi Jamaa'at.
4). Deadless in Deobandh
The Hindu belief of Karma and the
Buddhist belief of Mokti are quite the
same. It means when a man dies, he does not
die! That is, he is instantly reborn in
another form. This cycle will continue
until he hoards enough good deeds to get
himself freed from this birth-rebirth
process. So a man can be donkey in one life
and a king in the next or a brick in the
next or a woman in the other. But the main
point is that there is no after life. No
Munkar Nakir, no Day of Judgement and no
Hellfire or Paradise. In a layman's
words, death is not dying. It is
This is only a brief explanation
of such mythical pagans. But the Tableeghi
Jamaa'at has been propagating such
beliefs to the unsuspecting Muslims for the
last 80 years. The fabulous Sufis of India
under the influence of centuries of
Hinduism and Buddhism came up with some
very interesting yet pagan beliefs. And for
the first time in the History of Sufism in
the subcontinent these naked beggars who
performed all sorts of depraved acts with
animals and young boys in public preached
their fantasies under the guise of Sunnah. Today
their unholy alliance with the Shaitaan is
known to all Muslims as the Jamaa'at
Before we proceed, we should
remind ourselves about death and what
Allaah the Most High has said (meaning of
{And we
granted not to any human being immortality
before you (O Muhammad), then if you die
would they live forever? Everyone is going
to taste death, and We shall make a trial
of you with evil and with good. And to Us
you will be returned}, [Soorah
al-Anbiya. Aayaat
you (O Muhammad) will die, and verily, they
(too) will die}, [Soorah
Az-Zumar, Aayah
is no more than a Messenger, and indeed
(many) Messengers have passed away before
him. If he dies or is killed, will you turn
back on your heels (as disbelievers)? And
he who turns back on his heels, not the
least harm will he do to Allaah, and Allaah
will give reward to those who are
grateful}, [Soorah
Aal-'Imraan, Aayah
Kandalvi, the "Shaikh
al-Hadith" wrote on page 271-272,
Fadha'il Hajj, Fadha'il Amaal Vol
"Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed
Khazzaz asid that, "I once went to
Makkah Mukkarrama and passed through the
door of Bani Shabbir. I saw the corpse of a
young man who had a very beautiful face. I
looked at his face carefully to which he
replied, "Abu Saeed! Don't you
know that lovers do not die? They remain
alive, even though they appear to be dead.
Their death takes them from one world to
This was and is the belief of the
elite of Deobandh. The pagan Egyptians had
exactly the same beliefs that their
pharaohs do not die but transfer from one
world to another. Hence they used to
mummify them and keep all important items
in their caskets. Five thousand years later
the pagan belief is still being propagated
en masse!
But this is just the tip of the
ice berg on the dead-less Pirs of
Fadha'il Amaal! There are also such
Pirs who even know when and where they are
going to die.
On page 272, Fadha'il Hajj,
Fadha'il Amaal Vol I:
"Sh. Abu Yaqoob Sanoosi
said,"Once a mureed of mine approached
me in Makkah and said,"Ustaadh, I will
die tomorrow at the time of Dhuhr. Take
these gold coins. Spend half on digging my
grave and half on my shroud." On the
next day when the time of Dhuhr approached,
he entered the masjid, performed the Tawaaf
and went to a nearby spot and died! When he
was put into the grave, he opened his
eyes!! I asked that Is there a life after
death? He replied, "Yes! I am alive
and every lover of Allaah does not
The Shi'a 'Aqeedah: The
Imams know when they will die, and they
only die by their choice. (Al-Kafi (a book
of the Shi'a containing
ahadith attributed to the Prophet)
So if every lover of Allaah never
dies, then what is the difference between
the mureed and Allaah? Allaah is Hayy and
does not die and the mureed does not die.
And furthermore, these mureed also know
when they die. Allaahu Musta'aan! Where
is the Tableegh Jamaa'at taking the Ummah
of Muhammad (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
The Imaam of evil, Ibn Arabee,
poisoned with such beliefs said:
The Lord is a slave and the slave
is a Lord. I only wish I knew which one was
As we read investigate further
into Fadha'il Amaal, not only are time
and death under the exploitation of the
Pirs of Sufiya but also the Ka'bah comes
to the rescue of certain damsels in
distress in Fadha'il Amaal. Yes!
Kandalvi did not even spare the House of
Allaah from insults and
And it is authentically ported in
al-Bukhaaree and Saheeh Muslim from Abu
Hurayrah (radhi-yallaahu
'anhu) that Dhus Suwaiqatain from
Ethiopia will destroy the Ka'bah, stone
by stone.
If the Ka'bah cannot
save itself from annihilation then how can
it grow hands and come to the rescue of
women who walk around attracting attention
by wearing anklets?
On page 105, Fadha'il Hajj,
Fadha'il Amaal Vol I:
"Moosa bin Muhammad says that
once an Ajmee (a non-Arab) person was
performing the Tawaaf; was a good
and religious man. During the Tawaaf, the sound
of the anklets of a beautiful woman fell on
his ears. He began to stare at the woman.
From the Yemeni Corner a hand emerged and
slapped the man as a result of which his
eye came out and from the wall of the House
of Allaah came a voice saying, "You
make Tawaaf
of our house and look at our women. This
slap was in return for that look. If you
repeat such behaviour again, we will slap
avenge you harder."
Where was the hand of the Ka'bah when
the Sahaba of the Messenger (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) were being tortured? Where was
the Ka'bah when
filth and camel intestines were put on the
back of the Messenger (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam)? Why did not the Ka'bah grew a
hundred hands and save Ibn Zubair? Why did
not the Ka'bah mutate
into an octopus and destroy every idol that
the Mushriks of Makkah had kept therein? Or
does the Ka'bah comes
only to rescue the women of Fadha'il
Amaal? Has the mutation of the Ka'bah
stopped? Does it still continue
Such are the lies that come out
from the fabrication machines in Deobandh!
Such stupidity and corruption of 'aqeedah has
caused the downfall of the Muslims.
Believing in grave worship, hero-worship,
associating partners with the Noble names
and attributes of Allaah had caused the cow
worshipping, monkey supplicating Hindu to
gain ascendancy over the Muslims in the
sub-continent? And who is to blame for such
filthy stupidity? The Jamaa'at Tableegh
and their books!
But this is not an end to the
insults that the House of Allaah, the House
built by Ibraheem (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) had to face by the elite of
Jammat Tableegh. Not only does the Ka'bah grows
hands but sometimes it also pays the great
auliya of Fadha'il Amaal greeting
Page 111, Fadha'il Hajj,
Fadha'il Amaal Vol lI:
"And it has been reported
from certain buzurgs that some people live
in Khurasaan but are close to the ones who
perform the Tawaaf. And yet
there are some to whom the Ka'bah itself
goes to visit them…"
Astaghfirullah! Why did not the Ka'bah visit
the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) and the Noble companions who
lived in exile for 10 years in Madinah?
Where was the Ka'bah when
the Sahaba were turned back empty handed
and prevented from performing Hajj? Why did
not the Ka'bah come to
visit the greatest of the people? And
Kandalvi wants us to believe that the Ka'bah visits
pathetic Pirs of Sufism? What justice is
Indeed, when the Ummah
of Muhammad (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) left the narrations and the way
of the companions, humiliation and
stupidity is placed upon them. So much so,
anyone calling to Tawheed is labeled a
Wahabi, anyone calling to detaching oneself
from deviated organizations and parties a
Madhkhali and the callers to shirk,
bid`ah, grave
worship are given the titles of Imaams of
guidance and Shaikh al Hadith! What can be
more stupidity than this?
4). Jesus Saves!!!! (And so do the
Pirs in Fadha'il Amaal)
Have you ever argued with
Christian and he will always end the talk
with the term "But Jesus Saves"
or "Jesus died for us" The auliya
portrayed in Fadha'il Amaal do similar
things. Not that they will die for you (are
you kidding, who will then reap the profits
from the tombs and graves?) but they will
provide you with heavenly faxes, gush water
out of nowhere, perform Hajj naked, and
occasionally travel faster than the speed
of light. Such are the greats of Deobandh
and the entire Tableegh Jamaa'at
believes it! (And scientists say that fish
have small brains).
Page 232, Fadha'il
Hadhrat Dhun Noon Misri
said," I saw a young man near the Ka'bah shareef
who was performing much rukoo' and
sujood. I asked him why was he praying so
much (Sufis not pray so it was strange for
this pir). He replied, "I am asking
permission to return to my country." I
then saw a piece of paper drop from the
sky. It was written, "From Allaah the
Most Majestic the Most Merciful to His
thankful slave that return to your country.
All your previous and future sins have been
Is this lie even worth a second
thought? Who is this young man? Why is not
such a great event recorded in any
authentic book except Fadha'il Amaal
and other books of Sufism? Is this
"fax" present? Does such events,
paper or books drop out of the heaven
still? Or is this just another fabrication
to prove the high station of fictitious
Pirs ? Every Muslim who values his Tawheed
will no doubt shun and hate such evil
teachings and label it so be from the
conspiracy of the Kuffar but to our dismay
such evil is recorded with great pride in
Fadha'il Amaal; perhaps the most widely
read book in the Ummah
The above lie reminds me of
another liar who also claimed of paper and
Allaah. All the Muslims know this liar as
the Dajjal of the east, Mirza Ghulam
Qadiani. The following story is a stark
resemblance and further proof that the
fabrications in Fadha'il Amaal are from
Qadiyaniyyah and have nothing to do with
the authentic Sunnah
and Islaam as a whole.The following passage
is taken from the book "Ahmadiyyat of
True Islaam" by Mirza
"He (Ghulam Ahmad) saw in a
dream that he had prepared a chart which
related to some future events in his own
life and in the lives of some friends,
which he desired God to approve. He then
saw God personified. He placed the chart
before Him for His signature. God signed
the chart with red ink. Before signing He
flicked the surplus ink from the end of the
pen with a movement of His Hand. Some drops
of ink thus flicked fell on the clothes of
the Promised Messiah. A realization of he
love and graciousness of God in granting
his request filled his eyes with tears and
with a slight spasm he woke up. A disciple
of his, named Mian Abdullah Sinnouri, who
was at that time massaging him, drew his
attention to some wet drops of red on his
clothes. The Promised Messiah then related
the Kashf to him in detail." (Page
I ask every reader that to decide
whether the Sunnah
is being propagated or Qadiyaniyyah?
This is how the Shayateen amongst
the men and Jinn deceive the people.
InshAllaah, future studies will expose the
already dead and exposed Qadiyaniyyah
faith in the light of Qur.aan and Sunnah. But the
point of mentioning the above heresy is to
explain the similarities in the dreams and
visions that both the Pirs of Qadian and
Deobandh experience. In both schools of
stupidity events that happen in dreams last
after the dreams are over. Both claim to be
divinely inspired and have something of
alleged revelation within them. Tableegh
Jamaa'at claims papers drop out of
heaven with words of Allaah on them and the
claim Allaah himself writes on papers. Can
this be the work of one Devil? Allaah knows
best. And far above is Allaah with what the
liars attribute to Him. The Most High will
avenge His honour on he day when none will
talk except whom He allows. With Allaah
belongs All Glory and Might.
Coming back to Fadha'il Amaal
and Tableeghi Jamaa'at, there is a
mention of such a noble Pir who not only
sets out for Hajj with nothing but performs
it naked! I wonder how many brothers who
are fooled by Jamaa'at at-Tableegh have
performed the Hajj naked and taken their
families, wives and daughters in that
state. My advice to them is that not only
is it haram to run around the Ka'bah with
your awraa exposed (and being the imitation
of the early pagan Arabs) but the Saudi
authorities also have strict regulations
about the attire during Hajj. Please my
brothers! The Sunnah
explicitly clarifies the clothing one
should wear during Hajj and it is certainly
not being naked as being propagated by
Fadha'il Amaal.
Page 221, Fadha'il
"Hadhrat Malik after
listening to his talk offered him his Kurta
but he refused and said that it is better
to stay naked than to wear the clothing of
this world. You will have to answer for the
Halal things of this world and receive
punishment for the haram. After that he
made a dua, "O Allaah! With
sacrificing the Udhiyah your nearness is
achieved. I do not have any thing except my
life. I present it in your domain. Please
accept it." After that, he uttered a
scream and died. Then came a voice from the
ghaib saying, "He is the friend of
Allaah." Malik said that the whole
night I was thinking about him. I then saw
him in my dream. I asked him "How were
you judged?" He said, "Like the
martyrs of Badr, and even better." I
asked,"How?" He
replied,"They were martyred by the
swords of the Kuffar and I by the sword of
the love for Maula."
This is the love Kandalvi and
Jamaa'at Tableegh had for their Pirs.
They loved them and adored them even more
than the martyrs of Badr. And who is this
Pir? Nameless, dateless, clothless,
suicidal and insane. What was this voice
from ghaib? Are we to believe that Allaah
the Most High took a naked and suicidal
Sufi for his friend? Why was there no voice
heard for martyrs of Uhud? What kind of
miracles are these that only happen to the
elite Sufis and not to the most Noble
All the Prophets, their companions
and scholars died or were murdered
unjustly, why was there no voice from the
heavens, why did not any paper or book drop
from the sky and attest to their wilaya or
is this prestige reserved for the Pirs in
Sufiya only? Who are more deserving of
receiving such extraordinary and miraculous
help? The Prophets or nameless and naked
Pirs? Again, my Muslim brother and sister
should reflect on the insanity and
extremism being openly preached in Fahdail
Amaal. The extremism in Adab and awe
finally led to worship!
Tableegh Jamaa'at in reality
have no love for the Messenger of Allaah
(sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) and his companions. They only
love and adore their auliya who are lost in
history and are most often figures of
imagination by the authors of their
There are still other insults to
the intellect that are to be found in
Tableeghi Nisaab, better known as
Fadha'il Amaal (officially banned in
Saudi Arabia, alhamdulillah), such
1). A Pir by the name of Moosa
Darir travels 2700 miles in a part of a
night to pray Fajr in Makkah. (Even the
F-16 Falcon cannot travel this fast,
page.233, Fadha'il Hajj)
2). Khidr feeds
"Baqilla" (a type of food) to a
wandering Sufi in a jungle. (page.
3). A mureed who was did not eat
for 40 days supplicates to Junaid Baghdadi
in the Jungle for water and is granted his
wish. (page. 242-243, Fadha'il Hajj,
Fadha'il Amaal, Vol II)
Such are the paganistic beliefs
contained in Fadha'il Amaal. It has
retarded the Muslims en masse, murdered
whole nations of Islaam, have cast the evil
cloud of shirk
and grave worshipping over no less than 200
million Muslims worldwide. It has divided
the hearts of the Muslim and instead of
guiding the Muslim to the Qur.aan and pure
Sunnah, it
attaches them to some ignorant personality,
making taqleed of him and taking him as
absolute authority in all affairs of life.
This is the book, Fadha'il Amaal, the
book that another Hizb, Ihyaa Turaath and
in particular the Urdu section in Kuwait
openly claimed it is fine to take the good
and leave the evil from it.
Woe unto you Ihyaa Turaath! You
gather the people under the false garb of
the Sunnah
and your only aim is to swell your numbers!
So you do not have any regard for Sunnah
or Tawheed but your only concern is the
crowd. And it was the crowd that the
callers in Ihyaa Turaath feared. They
feared that it would lessen their number if
they spoke out against Jamaa'at
Tableegh so they lied and guided them to
the worst manual of shirk,
and Khurafaat that has ever come upon the
in the last 1400 years.
It has given the genitalia
worshipping Hindu ascendancy over the
Muslim. Fadha'il Amaal and the
Tableeghi Jamaa'at have stolen Tawheed
and Sunnah
from every home replacing it with stories
and fables that resemble those of the Hindu
scriptures laden with shirk,
and Khurafaat. A hundred versions of Islaam
exist today. Some fuelled by the
Ikhwan al-Mufliseen, others by the
likes if Hizb at-Tahreer and Jamaat
e-Islaami and some by the likes of Qardawee
(the lover of female singers and enticers)
and Qutb. The common trait in all these
diseases is that they are devoid of
Tawheed, Sunnah
and the understanding of the Pious
Predecessors. Verily they were the best but
the people have left them for something
inferior. Just like the fornicators in Hell
will leave fatty tasty meat for the rotten
one, the Muslim Ummah
has been given rotten, smelly personalities
and books and the pure Sunnah
is hidden and suppressed.
Why have we allowed the Tableeghi
Jamaa'at and their likes to fool us, to
deceive us in the name of prayer and
fasting? Why are they getting away by
murdering and raping no less that 200
million Muslims worldwide of their 'aqeedah? This
is the greatest genocide ever perpetrated
against the Ummah.
The Tartar murdered and looted but the
Tableegh Jamaa'at murder the Sunnah
and steal our Tawheed! Is this not a
greater crime? Is it not better that a
Muslim is murdered while he us upon sound
'aqeedah than
live for even 1 year with Jamaa'at
Tableegh and commit the worst form of shirk
ever unleashed? Why have we allowed them to
play with our noble deen, removing what
they feel and adding what they feel?
They have also stolen the children
of the Muslim Ummah.
Stealing them from mosques and study
circles and dumping them like corpses into
their Sufi Khanqahs, stealing the Ibaadah
of Allaah alone and giving them to worship
man made auliya!
This is the time we wake up! We
wake up to get back what was stolen from
us. We get back to rid ourselves from the
Tableeghi Jamaa'at, get rid of their shirk,
their bid`ah
and their stories. And I swear by Allaah
the Most Worthy of Praise that the only way
is through Knowledge. Through knowing what
is shirk
and what is Tawheed, through knowing what
is Sunnah
and what is bid`ah. This is
the only way we will be able to save
ourselves and our families from the Fire
the fuel of which is men and stones.
The time is now to wake up and
break the shackles of blind following, of
extremism and returning to the Pure Deen
revealed by Allaah the Most High to His
Prophet Muhammad and that which he preached
to his noble companions.
We seek help from Allaah for it is
only Him the Most Merciful who can help us
and rid us of our humiliation and this can
only be done by returning to practising
Islaam as understood by our Pious
And with this we end the third
part of the series. To Allaah we belong and
to Him is our return.
Wassalam alaikum
The Slave of Allaah
Abu Mu'awiyah
Morning of Dhul-Qi'dah
11, 1422H
Thursday, 24th of January, 2002