DOWNLOADS \ Arabic Language
In the Name of Allaah, All Compassionate, All Merciful
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(You will require WinZip to unzip the files below, and then Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat to read the documents.)

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"Umm Zakkee's personal study notes to Dr. V. 'Abdur-Raheem's ((Lessons in Arabic Language)) - Book 2; [as taught at the Islaamic University of Madeenah]"
- 276 pages, Adobe Acrobat document (size = 37.7mb)
- by Umm Zakkee

Despite maintaining a 24-hour routine with her husband, both caring for their two terminally ill children (Batten's disease), Zakkee - 12 and Zahraa - 10, she still found time to pursue her passion for learning the Arabic language.

Her care shift would finish daily at midnight when I would visit her to teach her for up to an hour, and after I left, she would revise what I had taught her until 2am when she would go to sleep. She would be up again for the Fajr prayer and then resume her chare shift at 8am.

My Sister, Umm Zakkee (rahima-hAllaah), died of breast cancer in the early hours of Saturday 16th Ramadhaan (1st December 2001) at the age of 35 years; Please remember her in your prayers.

May Allaah ('Azza wa Jall) permit her notes to benefit all who seek to learn the Arabic language, and may He ('Azza wa Jall) cleanse my Sister of her sins and reward her with al-Firdows al-A'laa, aameen.

- Abu 'Abdullaah

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Arabic Writing Practice - Book 1
- 45 pages, Adobe Acrobat 5 document (size = 4.88mb)
- this book begins with practice exercises to assist in writing arabic letters, moving on to writing entire words.

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Learning to read Arabic for beginners
- 36 pages, Adobe Acrobat 5 document (size = 4.65mb)
- this book begins with the Arabic alphabet ((alif, baa, taa...)) moving on to diacritics ((fat.hah, kasrah, dhammah...)), then word constructions, ultimately leading the student to be able to read Arabic, and most importantly - the Noble Qur.aan, inshaa.-Allaah.
Total Downloads = 23,704
Highest Day = 951

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((Lessons in Arabic Language)) - Book 1; [as taught at the Islaamic University of Madeenah]"
- 127 pages, Adobe Acrobat 5 document (size = 8.29mb)
- this book is made available for download by kind permission from the author,
Shaykh Dr. V. 'Abdur-Raheem
Total Downloads = 24,094
Highest Day = 962

Listen to the audio recitation

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((Lessons in Arabic Language)) - Book 2; [as taught at the Islaamic University of Madeenah]"
- 223 pages, Adobe Acrobat 5 document (size = 14.32mb)
- this book is made available for download by kind permission from the author,
Shaykh Dr. V. 'Abdur-Raheem
Total Downloads = 22,095
Highest Day = 1,703

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((Lessons in Arabic Language)) - Book 3; [as taught at the Islaamic University of Madeenah]"
- 151 pages, Adobe Acrobat 5 document (size = 13.25mb)
- this book is made available for download by kind permission from the author,
Shaykh Dr. V. 'Abdur-Raheem
Total Downloads = 2,580
Highest Day = 1,451

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Entire 2-year Arabic language syllabus (of all subjects) as studied at the Institute of Arabic Language - Islaamic University of Madeenah
- (size = 5.87mb)
- refer to the file "ReadMeFirst.txt" for further details
Total Downloads = 13,709
Highest Day = 926

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Basic Arabic Verb Conjugation Chart
- 2 pages, Adobe Acrobat 5 document (size = 162kb)
Total Downloads = 8,193
Highest Day = 78

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Set of 9 important Arabic Verb Charts
Microsoft Word 2002 document (size = 528kb)
Total Downloads = 195
Highest Day =

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"Personal study notes to Dr. V. 'Abdur-Raheem's ((Lessons in Arabic Language)) - Book 3; [as taught at the Islaamic University of Madeenah]"
- 35 pages, Microsoft Word 2002 document (size = 597kb)
- by Abu 'Abdullaah
- (important notes covering the topic of i'raab)

Total Downloads = 8,884
Highest Day = 128