more than 10% profit
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this fatwa to: www.fatwa-online.com, thankyou!*
Is it permissible for a merchant to earn more than 10% profit
on (the sale of his) goods?
How much the merchant earns is not legislated for in the Sharee'ah,
however, it is not permissible for a Muslim to deceive those
who buy from him, such that he sells at a price unknown (different
from the going rate) in the market. It has (however) been
legislated that the Muslim should not be excessive in his
profits, rather he should be easy-going if he sells and if
he buys, as the Prophet (sal-Allaahu
`alayhe wa sallam) has encouraged (an) easy-going (approach)
in dealings (with one another).
with Allaah lies all success and may Allaah send prayers and
salutations upon our Prophet (sal-Allaahu
`alayhe wa sallam) and his family and his companions.
Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa,
comprising -
Head: Shaykh
'Abdul 'Azeez ibn Abdullaah ibn Baaz;
Member: Shaykh
'Abdullaah Ibn Qu'ood
Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa.imah lil-Buhooth al-'Ilmiyyah wal-Iftaa.,
- Volume 13, Page 92, Question 4 of Fatwa No.7339