and drawings on children's clothing
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Question: What is the ruling regarding pictures
and drawings on children's clothing, since these (children's)
clothes are not free from pictures?
It is not permissible to buy clothing upon which pictures
and drawings of that which has a soul from amongst the humans,
animals or birds. This is because making pictures and using
them is haraam,
for the many authentic ahaadeeth
which forbid this and threaten severe punishment over it.
The Prophet (sal-Allaahu
`alayhe wa sallam) cursed those who made pictures [Saheeh
al-Bukhaaree, volume 7 hadeeth
67] and informed that they will be the most severely punished
on the Day of Jugdement [Saheeh
al-Bukhaaree, volume 7 hadeeth
64 and 65]. So it is not permissible to wear clothing upon
which is a picture and nor is it permissible to dress a young
child with it. That which is obligatory is to purchase clothing
without pictures and these are many.
all Praise is for Allaah.
Ibn al-Fowzaan
al-Muntaqaa min Fataawa Fadheelatush-Shaykh Saalih Ibn Fowzaan
- Volume 3, Page 339, Fatwa No. 505