of the grave of the Messenger of Allaah (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe
wa sallam)
*Please appropriately reference
this fatwa to:, thankyou!*
Some stores sell enlarged pictures of the grave of the Messenger
`alayhe wa sallam) and his two companions (Abu Bakar and
'Umar (radhi-yallaahu
'anhumaa)). (Having bought these pictures), some people
then hang them on their walls. And the question is, is it
permissible to sell these pictures and hang them (on the walls)
or not? Please advise us with a fatwa, and may Allaah reward
These pictures are not permissible, and selling them is not
permissible. This is because this is from the means to excessiveness
(in love and respect) for the Prophet (sal-Allaahu
`alayhe wa sallam) and his two companions (radhi-yallaahu
And this is also from the means to shirk with Allaah ('Azza
wa Jall). So that which is obligatory is to leave this; And
it is not permissible to buy these (pictures) not even as
a means to excessiveness and shirk.
Allaah grant the Muslims the ability to understand His religion
and protection against that which earns His anger, indeed
He is the best from whom to seek (assistance).
Ibn Baaz
Silsilah Kitaab ad-Da'wah (11), al-Fataawa - Volume 14, Page