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Wagering a bet to divorce his wife if he does not marry within a specified period of time
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Question: What is the Sharee'ah ruling whereby a man wagers a bet with another man that each of them should marry within a specified period of time, and if either of them does not do so, then he must divorce his wife, and both of the men are in agreement over this (final) condition?

Response: This wager is void, and it is not obligatory upon whoever does not honour this wager to divorce his wife. However, he is required to pay a ransom, and this is the view of the majority of the scholars, who have considered the ruling of such a statement as that of taking an oath; Whereas some (others) of the people of knowledge are of the opinion that there is no ransom to be paid.

Shaykh Ibn Baaz
Fataawa at-Talaaq - Question 121, Page190