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In the Name of Allaah, All Compassionate, All Merciful
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Islaamic co-operative insurance companies

Question: In western societies the cost of medical treatment and hospital care is extremely high. This is also true for damages arising from car accidents or thefts from or fires to property and other possessions. Insurance policies can be taken out with companies that offer to pay a large proportion of any loss suffered due to sickness, accident or theft. What is the ruling concerning taking out insurance policies with these companies? Also, what is your opinion concerning transactions with Islaamic cooperative insurance companies, concerning which some committees have given rulings, both inside and outside Saudi Arabia?

Response: Concerning the first part of the question related to health insurance, home cover and so forth, the answer has been clarified previously.

The second part of the question relates to social cooperative insurance and rulings permitting this have been made, as the questioner rightly mentioned, by scholars both inside Saudi Arabia and abroad. In fact, there are benefits to be had from social insurance. However, despite these benefits there can also be drawbacks. The person who has a right to assistance from this insurance might become careless and irresponsible and not care about any accident that he might cause because he knows that he is covered by his insurance. He will not, therefore, have due consideration for others and for the law and, as a result, such a system could be detrimental. Because of this, I believe that such an insurance system should try to help those who are the victims of accidents and not those who cause them.

I mean, for example, that if someone has been the victim of an accident or an illness and as a result is injured or disabled then we must help him.

If, however, someone was the cause of an accident and has injured others or his negligence has led to him losing the use of some physical function, he is not helped automatically. Rather, his case is examined carefully and if he deserves help and support, then he is given it, otherwise he is not.

In other words, we can say that this cooperative fund should be used for those who are the victims of some kind of loss but if it is used for those who caused the loss, then it could be detrimental. However, we do not say that such a person should never be assisted but rather each individual case should be examined and studied separately and if the person deserves help, he should be given it.

My fear is that irresponsibility and carelessness might result from insurance, as does in fact happen. Some fools say, "I don't care if I go 150 kilometers per hour. If, as a result, I kill someone then his blood money is ready and waiting in the draw. It doesn't bother me." We seek Allaah's protection from having such an attitude!

Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen
al-Aqalliyaat al-Muslimah - Page 79, Fatwa No.20