\ That which
does and does not break the fast \ masturbation \ |
asked me to produce semen for analysis, so I had to masturbate
*Please appropriately reference
this fatwa to: www.fatwa-online.com, thankyou!*
Question: I inform you that in the month
of Ramadhaan in the year 1410 A.H (1989 A.D), I had an appointment
at the hospital. The doctor treating me asked me to produce
some semen and told me that this was imperative (and that
I have to do this) at which I felt inconvenienced and coerced
such that I gave him some semen for the sake of the test.
This was during the day in Ramadhaan. I produced the semen
by masturbating, knowing that I had no other opportunity to
return to the hospital and that particular day was one that
the hospital had given me the appointment for. Also, this
was for an analysis for my wife and me. O Noble Shaykh, I
require you to give me a fatwa for this, and is there any
expiation other than making up the (nullified) fast (of that
day) because I had sound knowledge of what I was doing?
If the situation is as you have mentioned, then it is obligatory
that you make up the fast for the day you masturbated and
there is no expiation upon you to make.
with Allaah lies all the success, and may Allaah send prayers
and salutations upon our Prophet Muhammad (sal-Allaahu
`alayhe wa sallam)
and his family and his companions.
Permanent Committee for Islaamic Research and Fataawa,
comprising -
Head: Shaykh
'Abdul 'Azeez ibn Abdullaah ibn Baaz;
Deputy Head: Shaykh
'Abdur-Razzaaq 'Afeefee;
Member: Shaykh
'Abdullaah Ibn Ghudayyaan
Ramadhaan - Volume 2, Page 448, Fatwa No.375;
Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa.imah lil-Buhooth al-'Ilmiyyah wal-Iftaa.
- Fatwa No.13476