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Performing the tayammum with the dust from the prayer mat
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Question: Is it correct to do tayammum with the dust/sand which is on the prayer mat?

Response: If he is unable to find water for wudhoo, then he can strike the prayer mat (with his hands) and if any dust/sand comes out then he can do the tayammum with it. If no dust/sand comes out, then it is not correct (to do the tayammum). Likewise, it is not correct to do the tayammum (by striking the) wall (with the hands) unless there is any dust/sand on it. However, if a person is in need of (doing) tayammum, then he can gather some dust/sand in a (clean and dry) container and (then) perform the tayammum with it.

Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzaaq 'Afeefee
Fataawa wa Shaykh 'Abdur-Razzaaq 'Afeefee - Page 386, Fatwa No.10