NEWS\ Saturday 24 October 2001
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In the Name of Allaah, All Compassionate, All Merciful
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Shaykh Muqbil in better condition...

We have just received the following news, dated: 22 March 2001...

Following the news of the worsening of Shaikh Muqbil's condition, we are pleased to announce that the Shaikh is much better and today he walked out of his house to the Haram in Makkah to pray Fajr. He is scheduled to fly to America in a few days to receive special treatment.

Two days ago, the Shaikh delivered a talk to the people of Yemen via a phone link up to reassure them, he was fine. We ask Ahl us-Sunnah in all places to supplicate for the prolonging of the life of this Shaikh, may Allaah heal him and benefit the Ummah further through him and reward him with the best of rewards.

Currently, the Shaikh is awaiting for the final go ahead for his depature from the Interior Affairs Office of Saudi Arabia, which is responsible for looking after the Shaikh, and the Shaikh is actually being treated on their account.