Tuesday 18 September
Questions to Shaykh Saalih
The Chief Justice of the
Supreme Judiciary Council of Saudi Arabia
states: "It is not logical to accuse
the Muslims"
What Happened in America Is A
Crime Rejected By Islaam
Statement on the recent terrorist
bombings in the United States as reported
in Okaz (a leading Saudi Arabian daily) on
Friday, 26 Jumaadaa Al-Akhirah 1422
corresponding to September 14, 2001
The Chief Justice of the Supreme
Judiciary Council of Saudi Arabia and
member o the Council of Senior Scholars,
Shaykh Saalih al-Lehaydaan affirmed that
Islaam forbids attacks and aggression upon
the innocent just as Islaamic law (Sharee'ah)
does not allow the shedding of blood except
with just cause according to Islaamic
guidelines and the shedding of blood is not
permitted in general.
His eminence responded to
questions of Okaz regarding the explosions
that occurred in the United States that
took thousands of innocent civilian lives
saying that killing is not permitted unless
in time of war and to kill innocent people
is among the major sins and the most
heinous of crimes.
He added that what happened in
America was one of the most dangerous
crimes and that the religion of Islaam does
not condone it nor is it correct for anyone
to approve of it.
The Chief Justice expressed that
the Muslims of America should not be feared
stating I do not believe that the
United States of America would perpetrate
an injustice upon those who have not done
any wrong towards them nor transgress their
rights as that would be illogical.
What follows is the text of the interview
with Okaz with Shaykh Saalih
Question: How do you view,
your eminence, what occurred with the
attacks in the United States Of America
from an Islaamic perspective?
Response: Allaah has made
Islaam to forbid wrongdoing (thulm) and the
Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) stated:
((Ath-thulmu thulumaat yaum
al-qiyaamah (Wrong is multiplied on the Day
of Resurrection)))
And it is related in the authentic
hadeeth that
Allaah stated:
((Oh My
slaves, I have forbidden wrong and
oppression to Myself and I have made it
forbidden among you therefore do not do
wrong or oppress))
Therefore, attacks upon those whom
have not attacked you and to kill innocent
people who have committed no crime (i.e.
against you) is among those things
forbidden in Islaam because it does not
allow the shedding of blood except for a
legally justified reason and it is not
permissible to shed blood in general. It is
something allowed only in the case of war
to kill the combatant enemy. As far as
attacking even if it is to kill a
perpetrator immediately, is not considered
among the righteous deeds nor from the
permitted acts. On the contrary it is of
the detestable acts because to kill a
person who has not perpetrated any crime
nor done anything deserving being killed is
considered of the major sins and most
heinous of crimes. Accordingly that crimes
which occurred in America that we witnessed
its aftermath in the photographs taken
through one of the media outlets is no
doubt among the most dangerous criminal
acts which Islaam in no way agrees with and
it is not permissible for anyone to
condone. It is an abomination.
The matter in Islaam is such that
one may not be treated as a criminal unless
that person has attacked and therefore
there may be reprisals or enmity towards
him. As far as going about that in such a
way that the result is taking thousands of
souls of women and children and those whom
are non-combatants and such then it is of
the evil of acts.
The Effects of the
Question: What do you see
as the effects of these explosions upon the
Muslim in the U.S.?
Response: As far as the
Muslims, the U.S. is cited as a land that
acts according to the rule of law and if
such is the case then that law is what
should prevail over the desires of the
American people. If then a person obeys the
law reasonably and it is the character of
that reason based law not to punish anyone
for other than the crime they commit, then
it is not correct nor should it occur that
those who are reasonable will to do any
harm towards him - neither the Muslim in
America or the non-Muslim Arab or any other
nationality or any other religion. It is
deeply rooted in those who use intellect
and reason that the perpetrator of a crime
bears that crime himself. If one
perpetrates a crime let not his crime be
cause to make others into criminals who
have not done so. I do not expect that that
the US nor the Americans will not commit a
wrong against who has done no wrong or to
attack whom has not attacked them because
that is against reason. America and the
American people must necessarily be among
the most advanced of nations in what it
does and what laws it makes for
Muslims Rejection of What
Question: Your eminence,
the enemies and detractors of Islaam have
pointed the harshest allegations towards
Arabs and Muslims. How would you
Response: In any case the
type of people and the masses who do not
judge according to reason point to those
who have perpetrated no crime and to those
who reject the crime. This is not at all
This Is No Argument
Question: There are those
who commit crimes and attribute themselves
to Islaam. What is the effect of
Response: As I stated, the
perpetrator of a crime is alone responsible
for his crime. If a person commits some
thoughtlessness or stupidity and then does
a criminal act, even if they are Muslim and
even if he prays and fasts, his deed is not
an argument for those who wish to wrong
Question: What would you
like to comment on additionally dear Shaykh
with regards to the matter of these
Response: That those upon
whom this disaster has fallen would reflect
and think about the favors that they enjoy
such as security, comfort, wealth and power
that was considered unequalled. If they
would think about this they would find that
it was only due to the favors granted by
Allaah upon them. These favors cannot be
compared to this great disaster that has
befallen them. Hardships as great as they
may be are little in comparison to the
favors that Allaah has granted to