Monday 29 October
Shaykh Faalih al-Harbee speaks
about Hamood al-'Uqlaa
Question: Is the ruling
which was recently issued by the Amaanah
(Secretariat) of the Council of Senior
Scholars regarding Hamood al-'Uqlaa
ash-Shu'aybee considered the ruling of
the Council of Senior Scholars
Response: What is meant by
the term "Amaanah" is that they
are the people who are responsible for the
affairs of the Council of Senior Scholars.
It appears that the person asking this
question does not know of the affairs of
the office of the Council of Senior
Scholars, in particular him assuming that
the Amaanah does not represent the Council
of Senior Scholars. In fact that Amaanah is
the office specific to the Council of
Senior Scholars and this means that this
ruling (concerning Hamood
ash-Shu'aybee) was actually passed by
the Council of Senior Scholars themselves;
and they are the ones we have previously
indicated that are qualified for passing fatwa,
and if any incidents occur then it is
imperative we turn to them for guidance on
such affairs, otherwise the ummah
will be left to misguidance and following
the many (corrupt) paths of Shaytaan; as
Allaah (Subhaanahu
wa Ta'aala) says:
{Had it
not been for the Grace and Mercy of Allaah
upon you, you would have followed Shaytaan, save a few of you},
an-Nisaa., Aayah
And this ruling (of the Council of
Senior Scholars) refutes the fatwa
of Hamood ash-Shu'aybee in addition to
the number of individuals who have passed
fataawa in accordance with
the fatwa
of ash-Shu'aybee; and such individuals
include: Sulaymaan al-'Alwaan,
'Abdullaah as-Sa'd,
('Abdur-Rahmaan) al-Barraak and
'Abdullaah al-Ghunaymaan.
• •
Question: Who is Hamood
ash-Shu'aybee and is he from the Kibaar
al-'Ulemaa. (major scholars) of Saudi
Response: al-hamdu lillaah.
Hamood ash-Shu'aybee is not from the
major scholars. And he is not from the
ahlul-'ilm (people of knowledge) who
adhere to the nusoos (the text of the
Qur.aan and the Sunnah) and
understand it as the scholars understand it
and he is not from the ahl adh-Dhikr
(people of knowledge). We know him and the
people of his land know him O Muslims, and
they are more aware of him. It is not as
the corrupt media believe. You find them
taking his fatwa
and those who are similar to him and
propagate it and contrive that he is from
the major scholars; and if the major
scholars themselves pass a fatwa
or those who are suitably qualified, you
find the corrupt media and in particular
those via satellite continue to propagate
the fatwa
of Hamood ash-Shu'aybee without
referring to the fatwa
of those who have more right from the major
scholars. By doing this, they are
conferring upon the ummah
that the major scholars are not to be
adhered to, rather Hamood ash-Shu'aybee
and the likes of him are the ones to refer
to for fataawa.
Therefore, the corrupt media are
in actual fact opposing the major scholars
just as the ignorant ones do.
So you find the irhaabiyoon (the
terrorists/mischief makers) are really the
enemies of the scholars and their fitnah
begins with disrespecting and spreading
evil speech about the scholars which
subsequently leads them to disrespecting
and spreading evil speech about the rulers,
thereby achieving their objective from
their fitnah.
You will find the scholars have
(appropriately) refuted those who have
disrespected the scholars and the rulers
and spread evil speech about them. In doing
so, they have highlighted the corruptness
of such people and their total misguidance,
and their lack of understanding issues
according to the Qur.aan and the Sunnah.
So this man (Hamood
ash-Shu'aybee) remains unknown, keeping
a low profile until such time that fitnah
appears. So at this time he makes himself
known. Sadly, that which the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam) has said applies to him (Hamood
ash-Shu'aybee) and the likes of
makes himself apparent at the times
of fitnah, then their fitnah will be apparent to
Then it is important to understand
this, that our aim is not centered around
(Hamood) ash-Shu'aybee or other than
him, except the success of Islaam and the
truth and adherence upon the guidance of
our Prophet Muhammad (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa
sallam). By Allaah, if the truth was
with him, then we would not have spoken
even a word. However, he has passed by the
truth and has not adhered to the straight
path. Sadly, we have become very used to
this of him.
When the Mufti (Shaykh
'Abdul-'Azeez Aal ash-Shaykh)
of this land and the Chief Justice of the
Supreme Judiciary Council (Shaykh Saalih
al-Lehaydaan) had spoken about these
issues, it was upon him to fear Allaah and
not put himself forward and refute their
statements and disrespect them and claim
them to be ignorant as we have seen from
his fatwa.
They are not like this, rather, they are
from the ahlul-'ilm (people of
knowledge) and the ahlul-fiqh (people of
understanding) and they are the ones who
judge according to the scales of the
Qur.aan and the Sunnah
in accordance with the manhaj
of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah. And they
are, inshaa.-Allaah,
free from corruption, misguidance and