Shaykh Hammaad ibn Muhammad
appropriately reference this biography to:,
was Abu 'Abdul-Lateef Hammaad ibn
Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Hinnah ibn
Mukhtaar ibn Muhammad al-Basheer, from the
lineage of Qays ibn Sa'd ibn
'Ubaadah al-Khazrajee al-Ansaaree, who
was born in 1343 A.H. (1924 C.E.) in a town
called Taad Makkah in Mali, West Africa.
The name Taad Makkah means "this is
Makkah" since it is surrounded by 4
mountains as Makkah
itself is. His family was well known in
Timbuktu which was the capital of the
eastern region of Mali. His lineage ends at
Banee Naseer al-Ansaariyyeen who were the
last to rule Gharnaatah (Granada, Andalus
(Spain)). His family were known for their
knowledge, giving fataawa and ajudication
before and after the French colonised
His upbringing and seeking
knowledge and his Shuyookh
The Shaykh was brought up in a
house of excellence and knowledge, since
his Shaykhs were:
1) His paternal uncle, Shaykh
al-Muqri. Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Taqqee
al-Ansaaree, who was nicknamed
"Teacher of Children" for the
time he spent devoted to them and teaching
them to recite the Qur.aan. So Shaykh
Hammaad began by memorising the Qur.aan
when he was ten years old, until he
completed memorising it and reciitng it
with tajweed as the age of 15 years. He
also studied nahoo and sarf under the
tutelage o fhis uncle;
2) His paternal uncle's son,
the 'Allaamah of his time - Shaykh
Moosaa ibn al-Ansaaree;
3) His maternal uncle, Muhammad
ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad, who was nicknamed
"al-Bahr" (the sea) for the
immense knowledge which he had. Shaykh
Hammaad studied usool al-fiqh and tafseer
under his tutelage, as he also studied
Imaam Maalik's ((al-Muwattaa.)) and the
Saheeh of both Imaam al-Bukhaaree and
Imaam Muslim, as well as
the Sunan of Abu Daawood, amongst other
works such as ((Mukhtasir Khaleel)) and
books of the Maalikee fiqh;
4) Shaykh ash-Shareef al-Idreesee
al-Husaynee Hamood ibn Muhammad, under
whose tutelage he studied philosophy, usool
al-fiqh and tafseer.
Thereafter Shaykh Hammaad
continued studying the major books and also
began teaching in the town of Manaaqah,
until he made hijrah after the French
colonisation of Mali.
So when Shaykh Hammaad reached Makkah, he joined
the study circles of the 'ulamaa.,
amongst whom were:
1) Shaykh Muhammad
'Abdur-Razzaaq Hamzah who used to teach
((Tafseer Ibn Katheer));
2) Shaykh Abu Muhammad
'Abdul-Haqq al-'Amree al-Haashimee
al-Hindee, who used to teach the Saheeh of
3) Shaykh Hasan al-Mashaat, who
used to teach ((Sunan
4) Shaykh Muhammad Ameen
al-Hanafee, who used to teach the Saheeh of
5) Shaykh al-'Arabee
6) Shaykh Muhammad Ameen
al-Halabee, who used to teach nahoo;
7) Shaykh Haamid al-Fiqhee;
...and other than them from the
'ulamaa. of al-Masjid
al-Haraam in Makkah.
His journey to
Shaykh Hammaad travelled to Madeenah, where he
studied in the Daar al-'Uloom
ash-Shar'iyyah in 1371 A.H. (1952 C.E.)
in the faculty specialising in hadeeth. Whilst in
Madeenah he
studied under many of it's shuyookh,
amongst them:
1) Shaykh Muhammad 'Abdullaah
ibn Mahmood al-Madanee, who was the imaam
of al-Masjid
an-Nabawee. Shaykh Hammaad benefitted
tremendously from Shaykh al-Madanee that he
wrote a book about him;
2) Shaykh Muhammad ibn Turkee
an-Najdee, under whose tutelage he studied
Imaam Maalik's ((al-Muwattaa.)) and Ibn
Qudaamah's ((al-Mughnee));
3) Shaykh Muhammad al-Haafidth ibn
Moosaa Hameed under whose tutelage he
studied ((Sunan, and
thereupon he was granted an ijaazah
(permission to teach it);
4) Shaykh 'Umar Baree;
5) Shaykh 'Ammaar
6) Shaykh 'Abduh
His return to
After Shaykh Hammaad graduated
from Daar al-'Uloom ash-Shar'iyyah
in 1371 A.H. (1952 C.E.) he returned to Makkah
where he worked as a teacher in accordance
with what his paternal uncle's son -
Shaykh Ismaa'eel al-Ansaaree - had
written to him, since he too was working as
a tecaher there in Makkah.
So Shaykh Hammaad returned to Makkah
to teach in the first year of a primary
school and the second year of a secondary
school, and the third and fourt year of
higher studies. Here he met up with Shaykh
'Abdul-Lateef ibn Ibraaheem Aal
ash-Shaykh and his brother Shaykh Muhammad
ibn Ibraaheem Aal ash-Shaykh. Upon visiting
them, he found them in the company of thei
rbrother Shaykh 'Abdul-Malik ibn
Ibraaheem Aal ash-Shaykh to whom he was
Later, Shaykh 'Abdul-Lateef
suggested to Shaykh Hammaad that he go to
Riyadh, whereupon he ordered his secretary
to call 'Abdul-'Azeez al-Lajaawee
who was responsible for the teaching staff
of all the universities.
In accordance with Shaykh
'Abdul-Lateef's request, Shaykh
Hammaad performed Hajj and then departed
for Riyadh, where he began teaching in the
Faculty of Sharee'ah. Shaykh Hammaad
also taught at the Institute of Imaam
ad-Da'wah in Riyadh, which was setup at
that time, and where he remained from 1375
A.H. (1956 C.E.) until 1378 A.H. (1959
C.E.). He then returned to the Faculty of
Sharee'ah where he remained from 1379
A.H. (1960 C.E.) until 1384 A.H (1965
In 1384 A.H. (1965 C.E.) he
travelled to Madeenah where he
transferred to the Islaamic University
until he retired in 1410 A.H. (1991 C.E.).
However, he remained in touch with the
Islaamic University, where he supervised
Masters and Doctorate students preparing
their theses.
The Shuyookh who granted him
an ijaazah
1) Shaykh 'Ubaydur-Rahmaan
al-Mubaarakphooree, who was the author of
((Mir'aatul-Mafaateeh Sharh
2) Shaykh 'Abdul-Hafeedth
3) Shaykh Qaasim ibn
'Abdul-Jabbaar al-Andeejaanee;
4) Shaykh Hamood
5) Shaykh Abu Muhammad
'Abdul-Haqq al-Haashimee.
His travels
Shaykh Hammaad had a strong desire
to travel to a number of countries, which
he did, such that he was known to say: ((I
endeavour to travel the world over, even to
China, however, my age has not permitted me
to do so)). From the countries to which he
travelled were: Egypt, Syria, Morocco,
India and other than them from the
European, African and Asian countries. The
Shaykh has recorded his travels in his book
((ar-Rihlaat al-Ansaariyyah)).
His teachings
In addition to his teaching
committments at the Islaamic University,
Shaykh Hammaad was very conscientious in
teaching the books of the Sunnah
and tawheed. Amongst the books he taught
((Saheeh Muslim)), ((Saheeh al-Bukhaaree)),
((Sunan at-Tirmidhee)) - which he taught in
an-Nabawee, ((at-Tawheed wa Ithbaat
Sifaat ar-Rabb)) of Imaam Ibn Khuzaymah,
((Sharh al-'Aqeedah at-Tahaawiyyah))
and other than these books.
His participation in
gatherings of knowledge
Shaykh Hammaad was a member of the
committee of the Centre for Research into
the Sunnah
and Seearah of the Prophet in Madeenah. He was
also a member of the supervisory committee
for administration affairs of al-Masjid
an-Nabawee, which met twice a
His library
Shaykh Hammaad started his library
in 1367 A.H. (1948 C.E.), and in the
beginning it contained books covering all
aspects of knowledge. Later in 1373 A.H.
(1954 C.E.) he gifted his library to his
paternal uncle, and thereafter began to
build up his library from new, only this
time concentrating on the area of hadeeth.
His library grew daily, containing
books on hadeeth, 'ilm
ar-rijaal (science of the narrators of hadeeth), mustalah
(science of hadeeth
terminology) and all other aspects of hadeeth and
'aqeedah, in addition to research
papers from the Islaamic University and
other universities within Saudi Arabia.
Indeed, in building up his vast collection
of books, the Shaykh spared no expense in
collecting those books which interested
He bought the book ((Taareekh
Damishq)) of Ibn 'Asaakir which in
itself cost the Shaykh seven thousand
riyals (approximately £1,200 /
$2,000). Likewise, the book ((al-Kaamil))
of Ibn 'Adee which he brought over from
Turkey, cost him one thousand riyals
(approximately £180 / $300), and this
was at a time when his salary was only a
mere one thousand riyals.
The Shaykh kindly kept his library
open in the morning and early evening for
students of knowledge and researchers
alike, such that after his death, his
children agreed to take on the
responsibility of running his library and
keeping it open to students of knowledge
and researchers, just as their father had
done when he was alive. May Allaah reward
Shaykh Hammaad for the benefit being sought
from his vast library, and his children for
maintaining it, aameen.
Shaykh Hammaad was devoted to
collecting books, in particular books on hadeeth and
'aqeedah. So whenever a new book was
printed he was amongst the frist to get
hold of a copy, whether it be in Madeenah or
outside Madeenah. And if
he heard a new book has been published he
will call the publisher or distributor of
that particular book and ask them to send
him a copy for his ever-growing
His knowledge of books was so
vast, it was as if he was a walking point
of reference. So whenever students used to
visit him, many a time they would begin by
asking him about any new publications or
whether he had bought any new
Shaykh Hammaad had authored a
number of books, some of which were printed
and others which remain transcripts.
His poetry
Shaykh Hammaad was well known for
his mastery of writing poetry.
The Shuyookh's praise of
Many of the Shuyookh bore witness
to his vast knowledge, amongst them
1) Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez
ibn Baaz;
2) Shaykh Muhammad Naasiruddeen
3) Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez
ibn 'Abdullaah Aal ash-Shaykh -
currently the muftee of Saudi
4) Shaykh Saalih ibn Muhammad
al-Luhaydaan - head of the senior council
of judges in Saudi Arabia;
5) Shaykh 'Abdul-Muhsin ibn
Hamad al-'Abbaad - previously the
deputy president of the Islaamic University
of Madeenah;
6) Shaykh Muhammad ash-Shaathilee
an-Nayfar who was amongst the major
scholars of Tunisia;
7) Shaykh Muhammad Abu Khubzah who
was from amongst the scholars of
8) Shaykh Muhammad
'Ataa.ullaah Haneef who was amongst the
major scholars of Pakistan;
...and other than them from the
scholars of the Islaamic world.
His students
Shaykh Hammaad had many students,
amongst those to whom he granted an ijaazah
1) 'Attiyah Muhammad Saalim -
who studied ((al-Aajaro Miyah)) and
((ar-Rahabiyyah)) under him;
2) Shaykh Dr. Saalih ibn Sa'd
3) Shaykh Dr. Marzooq ibn Hiyaas
4) Shaykh Dr. 'Umar ibn Hasan
5) Shaykh Dr. Baasim Faysal
6) Shaykh Dr. Wasee-ullaah
7) Shaykh Dr.
8) Shaykh Dr. Mahfooth ar-Rahmaan
9) Shaykh Dr. Falaah ibn
10) Shaykh Dr. Falaah ibn Thaanee
11) Shaykh Dr. Zayn
al-'Aabideen Bilaa Furayj;
12) Shaykh Dr. Sagheer
13) Shaykh Dr. Shamsuddeen
14) Shaykh Dr. Saalih ibn Haamid
15) Shaykh Dr. Musaa'id
16) Shaykh Dr. 'Abdur-Rahmaan
ibn 'Abdul-Jabbaar;
17) Shaykh Dr. 'Alee ibn
Husayn ibn 'Alee;
...and other than them from his
His house
Shaykh Hammaad used to live in
Haarah al-Masaani', in Madeenah, and at
that time his house was overflowing with
students of knowledge and researchers.
Later, he had a larger house built in
Haarah ash-Sharqiyyah. Some time later, his
library outgrew this house, and Prince
Sultan ibn 'Abdul-'Azeez gifted him
a much bigger house in Hayy al-Faysaliyyah
next to the Islaamic University. The Shaykh
remained in this house, as in the previous
houses, upon the same pattern of opening
the doors of his library to those who
wished to seek benefit from his vast
collection of books.
His illness and
Shaykh Hammaad became ill on the
night of 23 Ramadhaan in 1417 A.H. (1998
C.E.) whilst performing his night prayers
in al-Masjid
an-Nabawee. His illness became severe
and he died on the morning of Wednesday 21
Jumaada Awwal 1418 A.H. after spending
nearly eight months in hospital.
His funeral prayer was performed
after Salaatul-'Asr in al-Masjid
an-Nabawee, and he was then buried in
the graveyard of Baqee'. Indeed the
masses who turned out for his funeral was a
sight; It caused one to remember the saying
of Imaam Ahmad who said: ((Say to the people of innovation
(ahlul-bid'ah): Between you and us are
the funerals)), implying the
great numbers who attend the funerals of
and the few who attend the funerals of
Many attended his funeral from
amongst the scholars and the judges and
lecturers and teachers from the
universities along with many
His children
Shaykh Hammaad died leaving one
wife and eleven children; Amongst them
eight sons, including 'Abdul-Baaree and
'Abdul-Awwal who both graduated from
the Faculty of Hadeeth (Islaamic University
of Madeenah). 'Abdul-Baaree also
attained a Masters and now teaches in the
Faculty of Hadeeth. As for
'Abdul-Awwal, he works as a researcher
in the Centre for Research into the Sunnah
and Seearah of the Prophet in Madeenah. Shaykh
Hammaad also left behind 3
May Allaah (Subhaanahu wa Ta'aala)
have Mercy upon his soul, aameen.
For more about the
noble Shaykh, kindly refer to
Jewels of Guidance