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In the Name of Allaah, All Compassionate, All Merciful
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Zubayd used to divide the night into three parts
*Please appropriately reference this quote to: www.fatwa-online.com, thankyou!*
Ibn Shubrumah said:

((Zubayd used to divide the night into three parts:

i) a part for himself;

ii) a part for his son;

iii) and a part for his other son ‘Abdur-Rahmaan.

So he would pray (his third of the night), and then say to one of them:

“Wake up”, and if he was lazy, he would pray his (third) part (of the night). Then he would say to the other one:

“Wake up”, and if he too was lazy, he would pray his (third) part (of the night).

So he would (end up) standing the entire night in prayer.))

Siyar A’laam an-Nubalaa. - Volume 5, Page 296

Important Note:
This narration does not imply nor suggest the permissibility of performing the salaah/prayer on behalf of another. Every Muslim is responsible for performing his/her own salaah/prayer. This narration highlights a father's love for his children by guiding them to that which is good. So he encourages them to stand a third of the night each in salaah/prayer, and when they do not wake up - as they are overcome with sleep, he takes the opportunity to continue performing his salaah/prayer during their allocated third of the night.