"Yes, because the
issue is one of desire (raghbah)..."
appropriately reference this quote to: www.fatwa-online.com,
the Muhaddith, the Shaykh - Hammaad
ibn Muhammad al-Ansaaree (rahima-hullaah),
it has been narrated by his son 'Abdul-Awwal:
father said:
have come across twenty (different) manuscripts of the book
((al-Kaamil)) of Ibn 'Adee; None of them were complete except
the (personal) copy which I had, which was from Turkey.
bought this copy from a Turkish man who brought it with him
to Madeenah.
He offered it (for sale) to the Islaamic University (of Madeenah,
al-Jaami'ah al-Islaamiyyah) soon after it had first opened.
The University excused themselves from purchasing it because
of its high price - its price being 1,000 Saudi riyals (approximately
£180/$300), [and this was at a time when his salary
was only a mere 1,000 riyals a month]. So my father found
out about this man and said to him:
I will buy it from you".
my father went to someone well-known to him to seek a loan
from him for the purchase of this manuscript and bought it
from the (Turkish) man.
University then found out about this extraordinary act from
this muhaddith, and Shaykh Ibn Baaz said to him:
is extraordinary! a single man has outdone an entire group!
(i.e. the University)".
my father replied:
because the issue is one of desire (raghbah), and I am more
knowledgeable about the extent of the importance of this book,
and Allaah knows best"."
fee Tarjamatil-Muhaddith Shaykh Hammaad ibn Muhammad al-Ansaaree
wa Seeratihi wa Aqwaalihi - Volume 1, Quote No.14, Page 390