JEWELS OF GUIDANCE \ Hammaad ibn Muhammad al-Ansaaree \
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"The Hanafees are extremely angry with Abu Hurayrah..."
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Concerning the Muhaddith, the Shaykh - Hammaad ibn Muhammad al-Ansaaree (rahima-hullaah), it has been narrated by his son 'Abdul-Awwal that the Shaykh said:

"The (muta’assib) Hanafees (of today) are extremely angry with Abu Hurayrah (radhi-yallaahu 'anhu) because most of what he has narrated refutes them, and all Praise is due to Allaah (alone)."

al-Majmoo' fee Tarjamatil-Muhaddith Shaykh Hammaad ibn Muhammad al-Ansaaree wa Seeratihi wa Aqwaalihi - Volume 2, Quote No.19, Page 479